The structural preservation products are suitable for roof coatings as well as for the repair and maintenance of bituminous sealing surfaces
  ESTOL-Estolan 2 K
ESTOLAN 2 K is ideal for creating waterproof, rapid-setting insulating layers for foundations, containers and vats. Sealing balconies and terraces against rising dampness. Seals buildings against pressurised and/or non-pressurised water and bonds the perimeter insulation.



ESTOLAN 2 K is a fibre-reinforced 2-component bitumen sealant.
ESTOLAN 2 K is solvent-free according to HRepA and environmentally friendly.
- is highly elastic thanks to fibre and polymer additives.
- achieves high wet stability on vertical walls.
- becomes rain-proof within a short period of time.
- is tested according to DIN 18195 with a building inspection test certificate.
- is resistant to saline solutions and weak acids

Processing information

The surface being treated must be stable, clean and mostly dry. Even-out masonry pockets. Treat the absorbent base with ESTOL-Primer. The 2-components are homogeneously distributed in the bitumen mixture using a suitable stirring device (drill etc.).
A 2-step application is generally recommended. During the first step, the material is applied using an 8 mm serrated scraper. After the first layer has dried completely, the second coat is applied with a smoothing trowel.
If applicable, the textile is also worked in during the second application. The sliding coat used to protect the seal cannot exert any point-shaped stress on the sealing. The processing temperature should be between +5 and + 25 °C. Pot life is at least 1 hour, depending on processing temperature.


Frost-free in storehouse or sales rooms and/or at the construction site. Can be stored for six months without being checked.